~Android140~Update 1/26/2k3: New fanfic in the Fics section, enjoy!
~Android140~Update 1/26/2k3: I fixed the rom page (finnaly). And i'm starting a new comic. What kind of comic you ask? A breath of fire comic. Right now me and cory are collaborating on the comic, you can join us if your good at makeing comics.
Update 1/23/2k3: Happy Birthday Andro! Now I wasn't a day late or anything and I did give him his birthday comic incase you were wondering, and you can read it right now :D! Its Knux Life 35 too.
~Android140~Update 1/22/2k3: It's my friggin birthday! Thanks to all the people that thought about me and sent me the E-mails and the AIMs and all of the fan comics. That stuff is really appeciated nomatter how much effort is put in to it. Thank you all... *sniff* I'M NOT CRYING!!!!
~Android140~Update 1/20/2k3: Dax's A Knux Life won Frame of the moment. And I got a really cool Fan Comics for my birthday.